The V-Label is an internationally recognized and registered symbol for labeling vegan and vegetarian products. For consumers who are looking for animal-free products, it makes it easier for them to tell right away if the product meets their criteria. It is a simple and reliable guide for consumers and offers you a competitive advantage.
Please see the official website for further information: European Vegetarian Union

Quinoa is one of the best sources of vegetable protein in the world and since it is gluten-free, it is ideal for those who have a gluten intolerance. Quinoa has a subtle nutty flavor and works well with a wide range of dishes.

Red beets are also known as the “power root” because they contain numerous vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. When prepared correctly, red beets have a delicious sweet and earthy flavor.
Soybeans are considered a true nutritional powerhouse. They contain high amounts of protein and amino acids that our body needs to build its own proteins. Soybeans give foods a mild nutty flavor.

Sweet potatoes are one of the most nutritious vegetables and can be prepared in countless ways. Whether raw, boiled, baked, or prepared on the grill, with sweet potatoes almost everything is possible.